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Royal Court puts city footballing stars centre stage for 2025

Stories inspired by stars from both side of the Red and Blue footballing divide are set to be told on the Royal Court Stage in 2025.

Liverpool legend Bill Shankly will be brought to life on stage by acclaimed Scottish actor Peter Mullan in a new stage version of David Peace’s best-selling novel Read or Dead.

The production, which is at the Roe Street theatre from March 21 to April 19, is being adapted and directed by Phillip Breen.

Meanwhile Helen Serafinowicz has penned what is being billed as ‘the ultimate Scouse sword and sorcery tale’, The Legend of Rooney’s Ring, which is apparently “based on a half-true rumour”.

It will receive its premiere at the Royal Court from July 18 to August 23.

Tickets for both shows have gone on sale today.

Red or Dead is the fictionalised account of the great Bill Shankly’s work, and the life after that work, and will take audiences on a journey through promotion, First Division title, FA Cup and European success, with Shankly defining what it was to be a Liverpool fan.

He demanded total loyalty from his players and coaches. A loyalty that he hoped would be repaid when he retired. 

Above: Peter Mullan will appear in Red or Dead.

Then The Legend of Rooney’s Ring will transport its audience to the far-flung, mystical land of Liverpool where they will meet the story’s hero, Wayne (“any similarities between the characters and local footballing celebrities, living or dead, is entirely coincidental”) who is as fast as a horse and as strong as another horse.

He is on a dangerous quest of heroic deeds and has vowed to fight evil through sheer force of will while wearing a fetching pair of furry undies. He doesn’t care about all that fighting though, he just wants his C’leen back. 

C’leen is a humble bricklayer’s daughter from Crocky but, with her shiny caramel hair, she is the most beautiful woman in the whole kingdom. They fall deeply in love, making the sun shine, the flowers grow and the birds sing as tunefully as Posh Spice after the autotune’s been turned right up. All was right with the world, until Wayne got distracted by some lovely ladies… 

Above: The Legend of Rooney's Ring. Original artwork by Gary Frank and colourist Brad Anderson

C’leen has cast Wayne out and biffed his golden ring out of the window causing a dark shadow to fall across the land. Only one man can defeat the wicked Prince and bring light and joy back to the people. Our Wayne! 

Royal Court executive producer Kevin Fearon says: “Twenty years have flown by since we were given the keys to this fantastic building, back then as Rawhide Comedy Club. We’re committed to telling stories of Liverpool, told by Liverpool voices, and 2025 will be no different.

“Next year will take us from the terraces of LFC under the legendary Bill Shankly to the mystical land where a hero is on a dangerous quest. We're delighted to have such brilliant writers as Helen Serafinowicz. Our audiences would expect nothing less.”

Tickets for both productions are available from the Royal Court website HERE


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