Prescot Elizabethan Fayre brings Tudor entertainment to streets

The Elizabethan Fayre returns to the streets of Prescot this month.
The popular free annual event takes place on Saturday, June 10 and organisers Prescot Cultural Consortium are promising a fun-filled day of events and entertainment across the town centre.
It includes performances, music, heritage walks, circus skills, craft workshops and artisan stalls, along with Tudor-themed candle making, minstrels, archery and ‘soldier school’.
Help make a Prescot Bird with ArtsGroupie, get willow weaving with Twig Twister or do some clay making with Prescot Community Curators.
There will be performances from companies and groups including Petit Ullaloom, Imaginarium, Liverpool Signing Choir, ArtsGroupie and Bring the Fire.
And look out for an appearance from Queen Elizabeth I herself.
Shakespeare North Playhouse senior producer Siobhan Noble, who is also chair of the Prescot Cultural Consortium, said: “The Elizabeth Fayre is a fantastic event for Prescot and Knowsley.
“It’s a chance for communities to come together and celebrate the rich heritage of the town. This year’s Fayre will be jam-packed with things to do and guarantees a great time for all ages.”
The Prescot Elizabethan Fayre takes place from 11am to 5pm on June 10. Details HERE