Passion Plays return to Liverpool Cathedral for 2022

The Liverpool Passion Plays return to Liverpool Cathedral next month - the first time the event has been staged there since the Covid pandemic struck.
The Passion Plays tell the story of the last supper along with Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion.
Audience members will be invited to follow the action as it moves through the cathedral from west to east, using the stunning backdrop of the Grade I listed building to help tell the passion story.
People will be able to experience Jesus’ life from boyhood to his entry to Jerusalem, his betrayal by Judas, trial and death on the cross – which will take place on the nave bridge.
The five acts combine music, script and liturgy and have been put together by the plays’ cast, crew and musicians who are volunteers from the cathedral’s congregation and choirs as well as members of the wider public.
The Liverpool Passion Plays is at Liverpool Cathedral on April 11 from 6.30-8.30pm. Entrance is free but donations to support the choir tour fund are welcomed.