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Liverpool doorstep dancers together while apart in Fallen Angels project

Liverpool people in recovery from addiction have been dancing on their doorsteps as part of a special Together While Apart project.

Fallen Angels Dance Theatre has worked with more than 50 people across the North West as part of the initiative which aims to explore how doorways have become a metaphor for the way we have all been living during the last year of pandemic.

And the resulting work has been captured on camera by Liverpool photographer Jazamin Sinclair.

Fallen Angels’ artistic director Paul Bayes Kitcher explains: “People all over the country have been challenged by this year when we’ve been forced to stay in, work from home, forbidden from meeting friends and family or welcoming anyone in our homes.

“This resonates with people in recovery from addiction who often feel trapped behind their own personal door, lockdown or not.

“When our mental health is distorted, we can have a delusionary perception of ourselves, like looking into a muddy lake and seeing a clouded reflection or looking into a cracked mirror.”

The Chester Storyhouse-based company, which works with vulnerable people across the region including Merseyside, has recently been awarded financial support through the DCMS Culture Recovery Fund.

Chief executive Claire Morris says: “The grant is a lifeline for us in the work we do.

“People in recovery from addiction or with mental health adversity have been particularly affected by the pandemic, and continued funding for our work helps them realise their potential.”

A video of the Together While Apart project will be launched via Twitter @FallenAngelsDT and Instagram @fallenangelsrising on Saturday, April 24.

Above: Photo by Jazamin Sinclair


Liverpool, UK

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