dot-art gallery takes a trip to the sea for latest exhibition

The Sea is the title – and subject – of a new exhibition opening at Liverpool’s dot-art gallery next month.
Four dot-art members, Amanda Oliphant, Simon Cooper, Samantha Danford-Jones and Chris Routledge, will show works inspired by high tides and rolling waves in the show which opens on February 3.
Amanda Oliphant captures the ever-changing weather, light and atmosphere of the coastline on the Wirral peninsula and further afield, while Simon Cooper’s painting feature stormy and tempestuous waters.
Samantha Danford Jones aims to raise awareness and encourage conservation of the ocean.
And Chris Routledge’s cyanotype prints feature the historic Cumbrian harbours at Whitehaven and Maryport.
The Sea runs at the dot-art gallery in Queen Avenue, off Castle Street, from February 3 to March 25, from 10am to 6pm, Tuesday to Saturday.
Top: Painting by Amanda Oliphant.